Sunday, March 25, 2007
Gulu Trip!!
This week I got permission from the village director to go to Gulu with Joann one of the Overseas staff that works here. I have been praying that if God wanted me to go that He would open the door. Gulu is where the war has been going on, which what brought me to Uganda in the first place. This is where Invisible Children was filmed and where there are thousands of displaced people living in IDP camps. If you haven’t seen Invisible Children please do so, it will open your eyes to what is happening in our world. The pastor from the church that everyone attends here was an orphan himself and went up for the first time and said he couldn’t believe what he was seeing and was appalled of the living conditions. He said mentally prepare yourself. Joesph Kony the leader of the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) is not there right now, he has fled to Congo and the war has stopped for now. So it is much safer now that he isn’t even in the country. I know that God is going to really open my eyes and this will lay heavy on my heart. Please pray for SAFETY first and then for my emotional state as well. Like I said earlier this is the whole reason I wanted to come to this country and so I feel like I am being called to go and see the need. I will be there April 6th and 7th.